Ready for the future

Custom tailored development for Medical and Pharma industry

Medical sector services and development constitute 45% of our total revenue. We have over 10 years of development in Medical and Pharma industry and are proud to say that we can tackle any “medical” challenge

Let's talk

Three reasons that guaranteed our success developing Medical/Pharma solutions

Driven by the design thinking methodology, it is imperative to grasp the audience, business goals and industry specifics before tackling any project or product development

MD on board

Having MD in your ranks while developing custom tailored solutions for Medical industry helps. Immensely.

Access to real patient data

Our clients provided real patient data, business statistics and precise analysis that helped us build successful solutions

Experience in enterprise development

We have wide experience in working with enterprise level clients. This experience is invaluable when it comes to large scale projects and challenges

A Little Of Our Story

Strategic drug pricing management project

Strategic drug pricing is a complex process that handles big data gathered from 37 countries and calculated on a daily bases. Solution is developed for Public health institution and in use for 4 years and counting.

See Our Story
A Little Of Our Story

Waiting room patient info kiosk automatic appointment system

Appointment scheduling info kiosk solution is a cross platform solution that coordinates on line scheduling via web app, waiting room patient scheduling via Info kiosk and back office management app for doctors and nurses.

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Banking & Fintech industry

Millennials are power generation of the financial industry. Better understanding of their needs and desires yields better user experience and higher net promoter score

Business tools & products

Road trip manager, "Pausal PRO" bookkeeping and Invoice manager. These are three products Nabukodonozor developed as a stand alone products.

UX consulting & UI design

User experience and user interface design are critical parts of any successful project in this day and age